Welcome to the National Counter Terrorism Centre

      National Security Adviser, Mallam Nuhu Ribadu

      Mallam Nuhu Ribadu


      His appointment brings hope for an era of unparalleled growth, where security issues will be addressed head-on, instilling confidence in investors and spurring economic activities across the nation. By eliminating corruption that has plagued law enforcement and national security, Ribadu aims to foster a secure environment that will attract investments, stimulate economic growth, and create opportunities for all Nigerians.

      Maj. Gen. AG Laka

      National Coordinator,
      National Counter Terrorism Centre

      National Coordinator Counter Terrorism Centre, Office of the National Security Adviser, Nigeria.
      Major General AG Laka National Coordinator, NCTC

      Know more about US

      Mission & Vision


      Our Vision

      To be the Centre of excellence for CT activities in Nigeria, and mobilize a stronger response to counter all forms of terrorism and violent extremism through coordinated actions based on knowledge derived from research and innovation to meet the dynamism of the terrorism threat environment and strengthen collaborative partnership to...

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      Our Mission

      To lead national efforts at combating terrorism and violent extremism by developing coordinated strategies and integrating all CT actions across government, providing terrorism analysis, national and international CT partners in a Whole of Government and Whole of Society approach to achieve our national CT objectives.

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      Inside NCTC Nigeria Brochure 2023

      What's Happening


      Three Arms Zone 900221, Abuja

      Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

      © 2024 The National Counter Terrorism Centre. All rights reserved.